Terms of sale

Before proceeding with the online purchase of products from the website www.offidanishoes.it, we strongly recommend that you read the conditions of sale below. These conditions of sale are drawn up taking into account the provisions of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n ° 206 ("Consumer Code, pursuant to article 7 of law 29 July 2003, n. 229") and the provisions on trade in general contained in Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, No. 70 ("Implementation of Directive 2000/31 / EC relating to certain legal aspects of information society services in the internal market, with particular reference to electronic commerce"). These conditions of sale may be subject to periodic updates also by virtue of regulatory updates. Any changes take effect from the date and time of publication on the website www.offidanishoes.it and apply to contracts stipulated from the time of their publication onwards.

Conditions of sale (rev. 0.1 of 02/09/2010)

1. Characteristics of the contract and regulatory references

By sending the purchase order through the website www.offidanishoes.it, a distance sales contract is intended as defined in art. 50, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Consumer Code ["a) distance contract: the contract concerning goods or services stipulated between a professional and a consumer in the context of a system of sale or provision of remote services organized by the professional who, for this contract uses only one or more remote communication techniques until the conclusion of the contract, including the conclusion of the contract itself "].

2. Prices and payment methods

The prices indicated on the site are in euros and unless otherwise specified are inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) to an extent dictated by the Italian legislation in force. The indication of the charges charged, such as: transport, packaging, collection, invoicing, must be displayed on the site itself. No charge is applied unless expressly indicated.

In any case, at the end of the order registration procedure, the total amount of the order including any charge is shown, except for the case referred to in point 3 (goods directed outside the European Union). After sending the order, no further charge is possible.

If the Customer deems a different VAT regime applicable to him, he is required to do so before signing the contract, specifying the regulatory references, to allow us to verify the applicability of the indicated VAT regime.

Offidani Shoes offers consumers the following payment methods: Paypal / Credit Card (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Aura, PostePay Evolution), Bank Transfer, Cash on Delivery (with a surcharge of € 4.00) and Withdrawal in store .

3. Direct goods outside the European Union

If the goods are directed outside the European Union, charges for customs fees or other taxes provided by the foreign states of destination. In this case, the prices indicated do not include these additional charges. Please the customer for more information on this for these additional shipping costs, before purchasing, consult the website www.agenziadogane.it.

It should also be noted that for some countries (for example the USA, Canada, Mexico and in most of the countries of South America) there are some restrictions or prohibitions on food products.

For the reasons set out above, orders from countries outside the European Union are subject to specific approval and may contain additional cost items compared to what is indicated on the site.

4. Conclusion of the contract

The sales contract is concluded, and is binding for both parties, when the order confirmation is sent, in electronic format (e-mail), by Microdis, to the Customer's e-mail box, indicated by him at the time of registration on the website www.offidanishoes.it.

Filoni Adalberto reserves the right not to accept orders in which there is insufficient information or information is present resulting incorrect. Examples of essential information are: the buyer's personal data; the tax code and / or VAT number;

shipping address. Filoni Adalberto will send the Customer a note of non-acceptance of the order specifying the reasons that led to the non-stipulation of the contract.

Filoni Adalberto is committed to preparing the appropriate technological solutions to prevent any credit card charges from occurring in the event of an unfulfilled order. However, in the event that this happens, Filoni Adalberto will return the credited amount as soon as possible.

5. Shipping

Filoni Adalberto will deliver the product purchased by the customer to the place of destination that the customer himself indicated at the time of his

registration on the website www.offidanishoes.it, using agreed couriers.

The delivery of products in Italy will normally take place within 5 (five) working days after acceptance of the purchase order.

For any delays occurring after delivery of the goods to the courier, the responsibility cannot be attributed to Filoni Adalberto, who will in any case consider the validity of the Contract unchanged. Consequently, the shipping costs and any return of the purchased products will always be borne by the Customer.

The prices applied for shipments are as follows:

Shipping to Italy

Free shipping above € 150.00. Below this amount, € 7.00 will be applied as a shipping cost.

Shipping to countries inside EU

Free shipping above € 150.00. Below this amount, € 30.00 will be applied as shipping cost.

Shipping to countries outside the EU

Free shipping above € 250.00. Below this amount, € 35.00 will be applied as shipping cost.

Shipments to Africa - Asia - Central America - North America and South America

Free shipping above € 250.00. Below this amount for shipments to these countries, € 49.00 will be charged

Shipping to Oceania

Free shipping above € 250.00. Below this amount for shipments to this country € 57.00 will be charged

6. Product acceptance

Upon delivery of the product by the courier agreement, the customer must:

• Check the integrity of the package, that is, that it is neither damaged nor wet;

• Check that the quantity and type of goods indicated on the accompanying invoice correspond to the goods actually delivered.

In the event of negligence, the Customer is required to communicate any complaints within 24 hours of receipt of the order.

In any case, in the event that the Customer, after checking the contents of the package received, has found that the purchased products have flaws or defects, he is obliged to immediately communicate the problem that occurred within 8 (eight) days following the purchase. . After 8 (eight) days from the delivery of the purchase without any complaint being received, the purchased product will be considered fully suitable.

To this end, a section dedicated to the forwarding of complaints is provided on the website www.offidanishoes.it, which we invite customers to view.

7. Right of withdrawal

Pursuant to art. 47 of the Consumer Code, the Customer is informed that it is possible to exercise the right of withdrawal according to the procedures set out in the same Consumer Code, in articles 64, 65, 66 and 67, which for convenience are reported verbatim in Annex 1.

8. Obligations of the customer

The Customer, at the end of his product purchase procedure on the website www.offidanishoes.it, is required to have all the information required by article 52, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 all documentation relating to the General Conditions of Sale as and therefore to keep everything in order to keep in mind in the event that doubts may arise regarding the purchase.

As a professional advice, please also print a copy of the order, the order confirmation, its acceptance, the confirmation of the payment methods and the invoice, in order to better protect your purchases.

Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden by the Customer to enter false and / or invented and / or fictional data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the procedure for the execution of this contract and related further communications. ; the personal data and the e-mail address must be exclusively their real personal data and not those of third parties, or of fantasy. It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or to enter data of third parties. It is also forbidden for minors to make recordings. You are also responsible for the security of your password. Filoni Adalberto reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.

9. Annex 1: exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer - regulatory references

Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206

"Consumer Code, pursuant to article 7 of law no. 229 of 29 July 2003"

Art. 64.

Exercise of the right of withdrawal

1. For contracts and for remote contract proposals or negotiated away from business premises, the consumer has the right to withdraw without

no penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of ten working days, except as established by article 65, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.

2. The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the terms provided for in paragraph 1, a written communication to the professional's office by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. The communication can be sent, within the same term, also by telegram, telex, e-mail and fax, provided it is confirmed by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the following forty-eight hours; the registered letter is considered to have been sent in good time if delivered to the accepting post office within the terms provided for by the code or by the contract, where different. The acknowledgment of receipt is not, however, an essential condition for proving the exercise of the right of withdrawal.

3. If expressly provided for in the offer or in the information concerning the right of withdrawal, the return of the goods received within the term referred to in paragraph 1 is sufficient instead of a specific communication.

Art. 65.

Effective dates

1. For contracts or contractual proposals negotiated away from business premises, the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in Article 64 starts:

a) from the date of signing of the order note containing the information referred to in article 47 or, in the event that an order note is not prepared, from the date of receipt of the information, for contracts concerning the provision of services or for contracts relating to the supply of goods, if the consumer has been previously shown or illustrated by the professional the product covered by the contract;

b) from the date of receipt of the goods, if later, for contracts concerning the supply of goods, if the purchase was made without

the presence of the professional or that a product of a type other than that covered by the contract has been shown or illustrated.

2. For distance contracts, the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in Article 64 starts:

a) for goods, from the day of their receipt by the consumer where the information obligations referred to in Article 52 have been met or

from the day on which the latter have been satisfied, if this occurs after the conclusion of the contract provided that no later than three months from the conclusion itself;

b) for services, from the day of conclusion of the contract or from the day on which the information obligations referred to in the article have been fulfilled 52, if this occurs after the conclusion of the contract provided it is not later than three months from the conclusion itself.

3. In the event that the professional has not satisfied, for contracts or contractual proposals negotiated away from business premises, the obligations of information referred to in Article 47, or, for distance contracts, the information obligations referred to in Articles 52, paragraph 1, letters f) and g), and 53, the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal is, respectively, sixty or ninety days and runs from the day of theirreceipt by the consumer, for services, from the day of the conclusion of the contract.

4. The provisions referred to in paragraph 3 also apply in the event that the professional provides incomplete or incorrect information that does not allow the correct exercise of the right of withdrawal.

5. The parties may agree on wider guarantees towards consumers than those provided for in this article.

Art. 66.

Effects of the right of withdrawal

1. With the receipt by the professional of the communication referred to in article 64, the parties are released from their respective obligations arising

from the contract or from the contractual proposal, without prejudice to the hypothesis in which the obligations themselves have in the meantime been fully or partially fulfilled,

the additional obligations referred to in Article 67.

Art. 67.

Further obligations of the parties

1. If the goods have been delivered, the consumer is required to return them or make them available to the professional or the person to be

the latter designated, according to the procedures and times provided for in the contract. The deadline for returning the goods cannot in any case be less than ten working days from the date of receipt of the goods. For the purposes of expiry of the term, the goods are considered returned when they are delivered to the accepting post office or to the forwarder.

2. For contracts concerning the sale of goods, if there has been delivery of the goods, the substantial integrity of the goods to be returned is

essential condition for exercising the right of withdrawal. However, it is sufficient that the goods are returned in a normal state of conservation, in

what has been kept and possibly used with the use of normal diligence.

3. The only costs payable by the consumer for exercising the right of withdrawal pursuant to this article are the direct costs of returning the goods to the sender, where expressly provided for in the contract.

4. If the right of withdrawal is exercised by the consumer in accordance with the provisions of this section, the professional is required to reimburse the sums paid by the consumer, including the sums paid as a deposit. The reimbursement must be made free of charge, in the shortest possible time and in any case within thirty days from the date on which the professional became aware of the consumer's exercise of the right of withdrawal. The sums are understood to be reimbursed within the terms if they are actually returned, sent or re-credited with a value not later than the expiry of the term previously indicated.

5. In the event that the payment has been made by means of bills of exchange, if these have not yet been presented for collection, they must be returned. Any clause that provides for limitations on reimbursement to the consumer of the sums paid as a result of exercising the right of withdrawal is void.

6. If the price of a good or service, subject of a contract referred to in this title, is fully or partially covered by a credit granted to the consumer, by the professional or by third parties on the basis of an agreement between them and the professional , the credit agreement is considered terminated by law, without any penalty, if the consumer exercises the right of withdrawal in accordance with this article. The professional is obliged to communicate to the third party granting the credit that the consumer has exercised the right of withdrawal. Any sums paid by the third party who granted the credit for payment of the good or service up to the moment in which he is aware of the consumer's right of withdrawal are reimbursed to the third party by the professional, without any penalty, without prejudice to the payment of accrued legal interest.